Monday, October 13, 2008

Dynamic Interface: The Urban Linkage Theory

The word Interface by definition is a surface that contains the common boundaries of two bodies, spaces, or phases. It is also termed as the interconnection between two systems. It is one that enables separate and sometimes incompatible elements to coordinate effectively ( I believe that to unlock the tension that I speak of, one must generate a field that contains in it a relationship between the two opposing boundaries (the tension) of positive and negative space. In other words, the relationship between the black and the white. From the last exploration, the generated field conditions worked under one scale. It causes a relationship derived from its modularity both in its positive configuration and its negative inverse. However, to relate it to my initial study of music and its variations, the organization of these linear elements needs another variation and that would be the scalar variations, How would they now relate in different scales causing the different field conditions to inter-relate?

The Functionalist Grid: All right angles "Declared to be far superior to the other angles and represents the sum of forces to keep the world in equilibrium (balance) Having the rigidity of the man-made grid layout, and the characteristics of how certain cities develop having infinite variations". - Le Corbusier

Linkage Theory:

" The organization of lines that connect the parts of the city and the design of a spatial datum from these lines relate buildings to spaces. The concept of datum in spatial design is analogous to the staff in music, upon which notes are composed in an infinite number of ways. The musical staff is a constant datum, providing the composer with continuous line of reference."

- Finding Lost Space: Robert Trancik"

The linkage in the piece of work above indicates that there is a coordinate dialog betwen the different scales and how the different fields are all inter-relating. As placed in an architectural context, the black indicates a solid form whereas the whites indicate
s empty spaces. However these two opposites are all interlinked as they are woven together into a bilateral dynamic surface which I then propose is the site context for which the program will adhere into. Also, the site is categorized as having urban characteristics.

How effective is the Functionalist grid? It is quite clear and proven that most cities do not restrict itself to grids, which leads me to my next investigation. Going back to the idea of the piano hammer/key mechanism. The link that creates the sum of its parts is its hing
e. The hinge is what creates the dynamic movement through space while being limited within its own boundary. The modular experiments, the small tectonic investigations I had developed in my earlier study also represents this idea. Different angles of movement are generated from its connections, and due to its fragmentation as a module, certain spaces are revealed, "tension" within certain areas are highlighted and the relationship between its parts that composes the module and the final entity that was created from the modules itself in itself, shows another urban condition, I would observe to be more dynamic and less regulated to movement, circulation and flexibility as compared to the grid collage.

The Harmony within Complexity: The model insighted me to observe it more closely as I studied the relationship between each modular pieces interacting with the other. As a whole, the unity seems to have provided within its own complexity, a rather simple harmony between the pieces that interacts. This harmony I then analyzed as fragments in space. Secluding the rest and just focusing on certain provokative moments which i found to be beautiful and architecturally speaking. The pieces in its different configurations of angles, thicknesses and dimension evokes a dialog within the space it creates.

My attempt is to capture the power of tension within the microspace. It is possible that the same urban context can be applied both in a site context and possibly start to define programmatic content and meaning within its different moments.

"An architecture of complexity and contradiction has a special obligation towards the whole - its truth must be in its totality or implications of totality. it must embody the difficult unity of inclusion rather than the easy unity of exclusion"

- Robert Venturi

I conclude by realizing that what I am further analyzing is the relationship between the two extreme spaces. As of current conditions, the positive space is seen as a solid form, whereas negative space is seen as emptiness. In the interface they are all intermeshed so that even the negative space is not so empty after all, it contains a certain complexity in itself linked to the positive complexity it attaches to. In model form, negative space is idealized through the different fragmented moments that the "whole" condition creates through its modularity.

Therefore, what unlocks the tension within the depth of field is the link that ties the two extremes, the question now is what if the roles reverse? what relationship would it create and what possibilities will emerge in the architectural realm? Is positive the new negative? and can we as a society exist within that empty space? if so then how?

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